Greenhouse Cut Flowers Sell Like Hot Cakes
From: Updated: 2017-12-27 03:10
It is the golden season to sell greenhouse cut flowers before the New Year's Day.In recent days, Shuangdian Township of Donghai County, the No.1 Town for CutFlowers in China, has invited college volunteers into greenhouses to helpfarmers pick flowers, and tens of thousands of local PingPongChrysanthemums have beendirectly supplied to flower shops in Shanghai, Nanjing and other places. Atpresent, the township has introduced and planted more than 500 sheds of chrysanthemumsin greenhouse which are low-cost, easy to manage and risk-free. Each flower shedhas realized an income of about 35,000 yuan in more than three months. Chrysanthemum planting has becomeanother flagship industry of the township following perfume lily cultivation.