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[VV~NpeSS0L zSf0 zSm6eSv9(ubvQNY9(u bWyvS gyrkBlv ^1u2uYNSeOSFU㉳Q0 mQ0Nb"}TvN ,gOSS-NNSNlqQTVl_{02uYNSe Ta V,gOSNuvNUONb~~ ^S}YOSFU㉳Q YelbN {cN-NVVE~Nm8fNYXTO OcNeOvNĉRQ0NQ/f~@\'`v [SeGW g~_gR0 2ueNh~{W[vz  _____________________ eg __________________ Y T LR YNeNh~{W[vz  _______________________ eg __________________ Y T LR Overseas Training Program Cooperation Agreement Sample for Reference - This agreement is signed between - Organizer of Training Group hereinafter referred to as  Party A  Registered Address Contact Person and Telephone - and - Name of Overseas Training Organization hereinafter referred to as  Party B  Registered Address Contact Person and Telephone Through sincere consultation, Party A agrees to authorize Party B to conduct the following training program in country or region based on the following terms and conditions 1. Topic, Time and Place of Training Program and Number of Trainees a. Topic of the Training Program b. The  Training Group herein refers to a total of people designated by Party A for overseas training which will be conducted by Party B. c. Date of departure year month day, date of return year month day. Total days for training in country or region  d. Number of trainees e.Main training venue name of university or company , city, country or region f. Itinerary of the training group cities  _________ _________ _________ _________ Including the departure/return places and the overseas training venues 2. Purpose and Content of the Training Program To acquire knowledge of advanced technologies and management methods on , , to improve the professional capabilities and management ability of the traineesParty A shall put forward specific training content and requirements . 3. Methods of Training Party B shall conduct the training in the following ways, including but not limited to a. Lecturesspecify the requirements for lecturers' professional capacities, minimum teaching hours, teaching scope, typical case analysis, etc. b. Exchange visits or fieldwork specify visiting time, place, agency to visit, goals for visit, etc. 4. Responsibilities and Obligations In the process of implementing the overseas training program, both parties shall abide by the laws of China and the country in which Party B is located, as well as the policies and regulations on overseas training formulated by the Chinese government and the Ministry of Science and Technology MOST . The responsibilities and obligations of both parties are as follows A. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party A a. Responsible for organizing the training group and giving the list of trainees to Party B. b. Responsible for handling procedures concerning passports, visas and related documents. c. Responsible for specifying requirements for training content, schedule, itinerary, qualification of trainers, etc. d. Responsible for paying relevant fees to Party B for completing the training program as agreed by both parties. e. Responsible for tracking all overseas activities of the training group and providing guidance and consultation in accordance with related policies. f. Not allowed to ask Party B to do anything that violates the regulations on overseas training and disciplines on foreign affairs. B. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party B a. Responsible for sending invitation letters to Party A. b.Responsible for designing training curriculum, providing high-quality trainers and interpreters, and planning training itinerary in line with the requirements of Party A and reporting it to relevant government department via Party A or the Department of Overseas Intellectual Resources Cooperation of MOST for approval before implementation. c. Responsible for making sure the hours of training activities like lectures, visits or fieldwork totaling over two-thirds of the entire time overseas, of which the lecturing time shall be no less than one-third. d. Not allowed to change the training curriculum and itinerary without approval or help the training group to travel to other countries or unapproved cities, or go to places involving pornography or gambling. e. Responsible for providing food, accommodation, transportation and other relevant services for the training group. f. Responsible for ensuring the standard of accommodation arranged for the training group reaches the requirements of . g. Responsible for providing safe vehicles and professional drivers during the training period and official activities. h. Not allowed to transfer the training group to other organizations or agencies. i. Responsible for providing timely feedback on any important issues and situations during the training period or, as requested by Party A, giving an evaluation report of the training group. j. Not allowed to pay kickbacks to the training group or any individuals. k. Responsible for safeguarding the integrity of the training cooperation, personal and financial information of trainees and the others. Any leakage, abuse or unauthorized use of sensitive information is prohibited. C. Other Responsibilities and Obligations Agreed by Both Parties a. b. c. ...... 5. Fees and Payment a. Upon the agreement of both parties, Party A or Party B shall cover life accident insurance and emergency medical insurance for the trainees during the training period. b. Party A shall pay Party B the overseas training fees in accordance with the financial standards set by the Chinese government, per capita training fee yuan name of currency . The fees cover the costs of teaching, interpretation, food, accommodation, transportation and others such as , , subject to the actual number of trainees . c. Party A shall pay the aforesaid overseas training fees to Party B when the training group arrives in country or region or in accordance with other terms and date of payment agreed by both parties . d. Party B shall provide Party A with valid invoices accordingly including the fees on training, accommodation, transportation, etc. . e. Both parties shall negotiate with each other in case of any changes of expenses or extra costs caused by changes of number of trainees, itinerary, cancellation of training courses or special requirements for training content. 6. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the People s Republic of China. In the event that any dispute or tangle arising from this Agreement cannot be solved through friendly negotiation, both parties agree to submit it to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. The arbitration commission shall conduct arbitration in accordance with the current effective rules of arbitration application. The arbitration award shall final andbindinguponbothparties. 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